Monday, November 6, 2023

FQCCCB #1 Competition Grand Champion Card Entry and Best 3 Wintery Winners Announcement

 Grand Champion Card Entry and the Best 3 Wintery Winners Announcement

for FarmQuest Country Christmas Challenge Blog's #1 competition

October 7-November 5, 2023

Anything Goes Country Christmas or "AGCC" with 4 accepted format categories of cards, gift tags, gift card/money holders, and package toppers.


There were 19 entries submitted by 12 artisans for our very first competition!!! YEE-HAW!! Four (4) artisans will receive bragging rights for FQCCCB's #1 competition!

There were no gift tags, gift card/money holders or package toppers entered for Competition #1. All entries were cards. Our Grand Champion Card Category Entry Winner is Pam D!!!

The Grand Champion Card Category Entry Winner is Pam D's #15 submission:


Sharing the (at large) Best 3 Wintery Winners badge for FQCCCB's #1 competition are:

Entry numbers and artisans are:

#10 by Eva M,  #12 by Steph W, and #13 by Pauline C!!!


Eva M=


Steph W=


Pauline C=


We encourage readers to try the different format categories and promote this blog's uniqueness within the Christmas challenge blogs that are available online!

We are grateful for our followers, readers, and most especially the participants! Thanks for making round #1 a success!

FQCCCB #2 will launch at 12 am central time/Chicago on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 and the mailbox will close on December 5, 2023.


Continuing our quest for farm country creativity during the winter holidays,



  1. Thanks so much for choosing me as one of your top 3, and congratulations to the other top picks
    Pauline xx

  2. Honoured to see one of my entries is among the Best 3 Wintery Winners, congrats to the other winners too, love all their makes x

  3. What an honor to be the Winner in the first challenge! Thank you so very much! ~ Pam


FQCCCB #17 Anything Goes Country Christmas theme + #16 brag honors

  Howdy! Welcome to our winter wonderland at FQCCCB! This is the  17 th challenge  blog focused on farm and/or country topics  with this spe...